Aminet 24
Aminet 24 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Apr 1998].iso
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Text File
482 lines
=== The Dungeon ===
After you have created your character, you will begin your Angband adventure.
Symbols appearing on your screen will represent the dungeon's walls, floor,
objects, features, and creatures lurking about. In order to direct your
character through his adventure, you will enter single character commands
(see "commands.txt").
=== Symbols On Your Map ===
Symbols on your map can be broken down into three categories: Features of
the dungeon such as walls, floor, doors, and traps; Objects which can be
picked up such as treasure, weapons, magical devices, etc; and creatures
which may or may not move about the dungeon, but are mostly harmful to your
character's well being.
Some symbols are used to represent more than one type of entity, and some
symbols are used to represent entities in more than one category. The "@"
symbol (by default) is used to represent the character.
It will not be necessary to remember all of the symbols and their meanings.
The "slash" command ("/") will identify any character appearing on your map
(see "commands.txt").
Note that you can use a "user pref file" to change any of these symbols to
something you are more comfortable with.
Features that do not block line of sight
. A floor space 1 Entrance to General Store
. A trap (hidden) 2 Entrance to Armoury
^ A trap (known) 3 Entrance to Weapon Smith
; A glyph of warding 4 Entrance to Temple
' An open door 5 Entrance to Alchemy Shop
' A broken door 6 Entrance to Magic Shop
< A staircase up 7 Entrance to the Black Market
> A staircase down 8 Entrance to your Home
Features that block line of sight
# A secret door # A wall
+ A closed door % A mineral vein
+ A locked door * A mineral vein + treasure / Pattern
+ A jammed door : A pile of rubble
! A potion (or flask) / A pole-arm
? A scroll (or book) | An edged weapon
, A mushroom (or food) \ A hafted weapon
- A wand or rod } A sling, bow, or x-bow
_ A staff { A shot, arrow, or bolt
= A ring ( Soft armour
" An amulet [ Hard armour
$ Gold or gems ] Misc. armour
~ Lites, Tools, Chests, etc ) A shield
~ Junk, Sticks, Skeletons, etc & (unused)
$ Creeping Coins , Mushroom Patch
a Giant Ant A Angelic being
b Giant Bat B Bird
c Giant Centipede C Canine
d Dragon D Ancient Dragon
e Floating Eye E Elemental
f Feline F Dragon Fly
g Golem G Ghost
h Humanoids H Hybrid
i Icky-Thing I Insect
j Jelly J Snake
k Kobold K Killer Beetle
l Giant Louse L Lich
m Mold M Multi-Headed Hydra
n Naga N (unused)
o Orc O Ogre
p Human P Giant Human(oid)
q Quadroped Q Quylthulg
r Rodent R Reptile/Amphibian
s Skeleton S Spider/Scorpion/Tick
t Townsperson T Troll
u Minor demon U Major demon
v Vortex V Vampire
w Worm or Worm Mass W Wight/Wraith
x (unused) X Xorn/Xaren
y Yeek Y Yeti
z Zombie/Mummy Z Zephyr Hound
=== The Town Level ===
The town level is where you will begin your adventure. The town consists of
eight buildings (each with an entrance), some townspeople, and a wall which
surrounds the town. The first time you are in town it will be daytime, but
note that the sun rises and falls (rather instantly) as time passes.
=== Townspeople ===
The town contains many different kinds of people. There are the street
urchins, young children who will mob an adventurer for money, and seem to
come out of the woodwork when excited. Blubbering idiots are a constant
annoyance, but not harmful. Public drunks wander about the town singing,
and are of no threat to anyone. Sneaky rogues who work for the black
market are always greedily eyeing your backpack for potential new
'purchases'. . . And finally, what town would be complete without a
swarm of half drunk warriors, who take offense or become annoyed just for
the fun of it.
Most of the townspeople should be avoided by the largest possible distance
when you wander from store to store. Fights will break out, though, so be
prepared. Since your character grew up in this world of intrigue, no
experience is awarded for killing the town inhabitants, though you may
acquire treasure.
=== Town Buildings ===
Your character will begin his adventure with some basic supplies, and some
extra gold with which to purchase more supplies at the town stores.
You may enter any open store and barter with the owner for items you can
afford. When bartering, you enter prices you will pay (or accept) for some
object. You can either enter the absolute amount, or precede a number with
a plus or minus sign to give a positive or negative increment on your
previous offer. But be warned that the owners can easily be insulted, and
may even throw you out for a while if you insult them too often. To enter
a store, simply move onto the entrance, which is represented by a number
from 1 to 8.
If you consistently bargain well in a store, that is, you reach the final
offer much more often than not, then the store owner will eventually
recognize that you are a superb haggler, and will go directly to the final
offer instead of haggling with you. Items which cost less than 10 gold
pieces do not count, as haggling well with these items is usually either
very easy or almost impossible. The more expensive the item is, the less
likely the store owner is to assume that you are a good haggler. Note that
you may disable haggling with a software option, though this will inflict a
10% "sales tax" on all purchases for which the store owner would have
required you to haggle.
Once inside a store, you will see the name and race of the store owner, the
name of the store, the maximum amount of cash that the store owner will pay
for any one item, and the store inventory, listed along with tentative
prices, which will become "fixed" (at the "final offer") should you ever
manage to haggle a store owner down to his final offer.
You will also see an (incomplete) list of available commands. Note that
many of the commands which work in the dungeon work in the stores as well,
but some do not, especially those which involve "using" objects.
Stores do not always have everything in stock. As the game progresses,
they may get new items so check from time to time. Also, if you sell them
an item, it may get sold to a customer while you are adventuring, so don't
always expect to be able to get back everything you have sold. Note that
the inventory of a store will not change while you are in town, even if you
save the game and return. You must spend time in the dungeon if you wish
the store owner to clear out his stock and acquire new items. If you have
a lot of spare gold, you can purchase every item in a store, which will
induce the store owner to bring out new stock, and perhaps even retire.
Store owners will not buy harmful or useless items